Invitation to Sponsors and Exhibitors

The ISEC 2024 and ISTEM-ED 2024 Singapore are sister conferences organised by the National Institute of Education (NIE) and it will be held on 24-26 June 2024 and 26-28 June 2024, respectively, at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.

In addition to the exciting conference programmes, the two conferences will have tradeshows featuring the latest innovations and resources for science and STEM education, respectively. With an expected audience of 250 local and international participants for each conference, most of whom will be science and/or STEM education researchers, practitioners and policy makers, the tradeshow will offer great potential for companies to reach out to existing clients and potential customers. Aside from conference participants, the tradeshows will also be open to all educators and members of the general public. Hence, this will maximise the outreach effort of your company to our international schools and educational institutions.

We would like to invite you to participate as a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor for the conferences. Please see the Tradeshow and Sponsorship page for details about the different tiers of sponsorship and tradeshow to showcase your company and products. If your company is interested in participating in the conferences, kindly register your interest by 31 December 2023.