Instructions for Presenters

  • Please arrive at your session room early and copy your slides to the desktop computer at least 10 minutes before the session starts. Ensure that your slides and any multimedia function correctly.
  • Please keep 20 minutes for your presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A session.
  • For a 90-minute session: include three presentations; for a 60-minute session: include two presentations.
  • Technical support will be available from staff positioned near the session rooms.

Session Chair Duties

The last presenter in each session will act as the session chair. Responsibilities include:

  • Please introduce each presenter.
  • Manage presentation timing with alerts at 5 minutes and 1 minute remaining.
  • Lead the discussion and managing the Q&A session.

Instructions for Poster Presentations

Instructions on conference day: 

  • Please hand your poster to one of the conference staff upon registration on Day 2 (27 June 2024). We will set it up on your behalf before lunch on 27 June 2024. The poster stands will be placed outside LT1.
  • Please be present at your poster to interact with the conference participants on Day 3 (28 June 2024, 1230-1400h).
  • You may detach and collect your poster from the poster stand after the poster session.

Instructions for poster design:

  • Please ensure that the size of the poster is A1. Only this size will be accepted.
  • Key sections, including title, author information, abstract, problem statement, introduction, literature review, theoretical framework, research methods and/or methodologies, findings and discussions, implications of the study, conclusion, references, and acknowledgements (where relevant) should be provided.