With-In and In-With STEM Education Research
STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education research has gained traction in the recent decade. While the acronym was coined in the United States, other parts of the world have embarked on STEM education based upon their interpretations of the goals, purposes, and approaches of STEM teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation in their own local contexts. The recent publication “STEM Education From Asia: Trends and Perspectives”, coedited by members of the Multi-centric Education, Research and Industry STEM Centre at the National Institute of Education (meriSTEM@NIE), illuminates STEM education efforts and interpretations in the largest continent. As a STEM education research centre of a national teacher education institute and research-based University, meriSTEM@NIE aims to expand its existing work on STEM teacher capacity building in the region. We created ISTEM-ED as a professional platform for academics, scholars, researchers, teachers, and policy makers to dialogue about STEM pedagogies, teachers, students, teaching and learning, history, cultures, assessment, evaluation, methodologies, theories, and so on. We welcome and strongly encourage your participation to join as a member of ISTEM-ED research fraternity.
Associate Professor TEO Tang Wee
Assistant Professor CHOY Ban Heng
Co-chairs, ISTEM-ED 2024 Organising Committee
Co-heads, meriSTEM@NIE